Western death culture nears a tipping point
The next generation of grievers seek a different type of death care. While respecting key traditions, they want personalisation, meaning, sustainability. Even a touch of experiential magic. But the death care industry forces them into a limited set of options that ignore their deeper, often unspoken needs. In life, and in death. At best, this leads to feelings that 'there could have been more'. At worst, to regrets. Missed opportunities for transformation. Pain without reason. |
The griever's voice
Gen X comments on funerals in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, UK, US.
He had such a rich life which got reduced to a bad quality video, a mediocre eulogy and a few songs on a crappy sound system.
During the service, I held back my tears. I didn't want to be the only one who was crying. But honestly, I wanted to scream.
We couldn't all be at my brother's funeral. But the funeral home didn't know how to do a livestream or VOD solution. I had to arrange it myself.
With the ceremonial rollercoaster I was so busy talking that I never got a moment to myself. To properly say goodbye.
You get 2 hours to part with someone you've known your whole life. Everyone is there for the day, and then they all disappear.
Change must come from the trade
Because as Western consumers, we will struggle make it happen.
In life, we avoid conversations about mortality. In death, we are too grief stricken to think outside the box. So innovations need to come from the death care industry. While honouring important rites and traditions, we need to develop mass-customised, sustainable alternatives that meet the emotional, social, experiential and spiritual needs of the next generation. That transform our relationship with death. And unlock a €77 billion business opportunity. |
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1. Join the communityJoin our Linkedin community to get inspired and to share your insights, thoughts and ideas around tomorrow’s death care. Meet change makers from all traditions, religions and philosophies.
2. Join the ecosystemBecome part of our ecosystem to reimagine funerals. Extend your know-how, create commercial visibility and build new revenue streams while improving our relationship to death.
3. Become an investorParticipate in the Ars Moriendi vision by becoming a corporate or funding partner for the world's first immersive funeral & death care experience. Help us transform the industry. At scale.
About us
Ars Moriendi is an international experience platform for human- and planet-centric death care disruption. We want to reimagine the industry building online and real life:
Initially, we focus on funerals and memorial services. But over time we want to also include death-in-life, end-of-life care, and remembering. |